A Look Forward and a Peek Behind

With 2018 well underway, I want to give everyone an update on what projects I have planned for the year to come. But first, a look back at 2017. 

My Sorcery and Sin trilogy was wrapped up in November with the release of Wrath of the Wraith. That book marked only the third novel I released in 2017, a year that saw my daughter born and the subsequent arrival of a whirlwind of fatigue. 

Despite my lack of productivity, 2017 was a year of great success. An Assassin's Blade trilogy stayed at #1 in epic fantasy on Amazon UK for nearly 4 months straight, and held the #1 spot in all fantasy several times. Although that's no New York Times Bestseller list, it feels pretty damn good to see your book bumping elbows with the likes of J.K. Rowling and Neil Gaiman. 

Here's what I'm working on for 2018. 

Untitled Fantasy Series (let's call it Runes for now). 

Book 1 will be published in March. It's with my editor right now. 

Book 2 is currently being written. It'll be in the hands of my editor by the time Book 1 is released. 

Book 3 will have been written by the time Book 2 comes out. 

So we're looking at a release schedule of March, May, July

Untitled Fantasy Series 2

I don't have a placeholder name for this yet, because I don't have the slightest idea what it's about. What I do know is that it'll follow a similar release schedule, so you can expect books to come out in September, November, January

I'm confident the above dates won't change, because I'll have each subsequent book with my editor before the current one releases. If I fall off my roof and break my wrist, get mauled by a rabid animal or otherwise suffer severe injury, then all bets are off, but I like my chances.

I'd like to break ground on an epic fantasy that won't get itself out of my head, but I think this one will be truly epic in both scope and word count. I'm not keen on publishing zilch for several months, so I'm putting it on the back burner. 

I've been flirting with the idea of diving back into Astul's world as well. That won't happen this year, and it probably won't happen next year, but I'd love to revisit Mizridahl. 

I would also like to keep this site updated more frequently. I've said that in the past, so we'll see how it goes. I do update my Facebook page semi-frequently, so check there if these pages start collecting dust. 

And as always, feel free to email me at jdepaoliwriting@gmail.com.