Good news, everyone

My weekend morning routine of watching Futurama seems to be influencing my post titles. But I do have good news. Book 2 of Sorcery and Sin should be released on August 1. I'll have a title and cover reveal in the next few days. 

At the time of this book's release, it will have been four months since The Dragon Thief (Book 1) was published. That's not something I consider acceptable, but since it happened, I'll try to explain why. 

I finished The Dragon Thief Feb. 20. I wrote most of the book while caring for my newborn daughter, which was exceptionally difficult. Basically, I carried her around on a sling while she slept and I wrote. I wanted to start Book 2 by March 1, but at that time she was 3-months old and not napping so frequently or for as long. 

My writing days were short, often interrupted, and I got very little done in the month of March. In April, we hired a nanny, so that problem was remedied. Unfortunately, a new problem presented itself: Book 2 came with a host of problems and kinks that took me far longer to figure out than any book has in the past. 

I didn't finish the final draft (pre-editor) until June 18th. 

Will Book 3 suffer the same fate? I don't think so. Firstly, it hasn't taken me a month and a half to start working on it. Secondly, I've outlined most of it, so there will be fewer surprises and roadblocks than in Book 2. I'm still on target to release in September, but it will be late September. 

Thanks for sticking with the series despite the longer-than-usual delay between books. I think you'll find it very much worth the wait.